An advantageous offer for those traveling abroad - a wide coverage for cases of illness or accident. The insurance coverage is valid all over the world!

Voluntary health insurance abroad
Basic insurance coverage includes:
- all types of medical assistance required in the event of a sudden illness or as a result of an accident;
- dental care in case of acute toothache;
- medical evacuation;
- repatriation;
- luggage loss risk insurance.

The insurance coverage is € 10,000, € 30,000 and € 50,000.
The insurance premium is calculated at rates depending on the number of travel days and the region of travel. Group and family discounts are available.
All insured persons are issued insurance certificates (to be submitted to the Embassies or Consulates when applying for visas, as well as when applying for medical help) and a reminder of what to do to receive medical care with the phones of round-the-clock CALL centers in Kazakhstan and abroad.